Re: What is a system Column ?
System columns are those that track sheet row activities like Created By, Create Date, Modified By, Modified Date etc. If you have any column that you add/defined with the same name then there may be…1 · -
Re: Adding business days to a calendar date
Column 1 will =TODAY() Column 2 will be =WORKDAY(TODAY(), 10) Column 3 will be =WORKDAY(TODAY(), 20) or you can have =WORKDAY([Column 2]@row, 10)1 · -
Re: Month Function Sorting in Report
Unfortunately SS does not have formatting for month only via column format or functions. Just to get your sorting right may I suggest that you use a leading 0 for months with single digits in your fo…1 · -
Re: Archive workspaces
As far as I know there is no feature/functionality to do so. In fact, we would also love to have a feature to archive/hide completed project workspaces.3 · -
Re: Filter columns
At times there are too many columns in a sheet and that gets overwhelming to certain audiences. It will be helpful if sheet owner/admin can create views or filters that can display selected columns o…4 ·